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This pendant is in memory of a childhood love story.


When I was about eight years old I took a fancy to an older boy called Robert, who was also at my school.  He was all of eleven.


In those days romance was much simpler. I simply went up to him and asked him to be my boyfriend. Robert thought about it and accepted my proposal on condition that his best friend Malcolm White could also be my boyfriend.


Malcolm took this honour rather more seriously than Robert. He turned up at school one day with a special gift for me. It was a beautiful Kingfisher pendant. The image of the bird was created from butterfly wings. The colours are so vibrant, iridescent and glowing with light.


I realised even at the time that this was a very special (and probably valuable) present. I think I suspected that Malcolm had probably pinched it from his mother or sister.


Sad to say, our romance only lasted for a week or so.
But I kept the pendant.


Some years later, when I was in my teens I found out that Malcolm had died in a roller-skating accident.


Whenever I look at this beautiful object I think of Malcolm.
I wonder what his life would have been like if he had lived.
And I remember the childhood romance that we shared, for a such a short time.


Sally-Anne Golds

Colours of a Kingfisher

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