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This dress was given to me by my mother Florence on the birth of my first child, Sally Anne.

I only had basic baby clothes, so this dress with its pretty flowers, was to me so beautiful.  Before the birth I was convinced I was having a girl. My mother believed me and she bought the dress, although she didn’t tell me.


I had to stay in hospital for six weeks before the birth because I had high blood pressure. There was a tea lady working there who wore a brown overall and a large turban, she used to pour the tea from an enormous brown enamel teapot. She told me that I was going to have a boy … and I was very indignant!


When I finally gave birth to my little girl I was so proud.


My mother gave me a card with the words

‘So you got your Sally-Anne.’ 

And I had!


Sally-Anne wore the dress home from the hospital and it is extremely special to me. I always keep it close by me at home.


Viv Golds

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A Very Special Little Dress

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