The Littleport Button Tree
The Littleport Button Tree project
Field Theatre Group
Click on 'About the Project' to view all stories and site contents
Button Tree Stories
Deborah Curtis collated and edited our Button Tree stories for inclusion in this book.
‘It was a great privilege to work with members of the public on this project. We have gathered some wonderful anecdotes, memories and family stories. Many of these are extraordinary stories of ordinary people.
Some were simply ‘doing their bit’ in wartime, others coping with times of loss and bereavement, homelessness, or simply getting on with the business of family life.
There also are stories of the institutions which have shaped life in Littleport. Including the Hope Brothers shirt factory (later Burberry).
These stories form a snapshot of ordinary life in a Fenland community. But more than that, they show how the threads of family and community life are woven through the generations. Those threads are as strong and enduring as ever, here in Littleport.’
Deborah Curtis